What a fun weekend! I had a
chance to catch up on loads of movies, gaming and most importantly had a real
blast with the kids. Saturday morning saw the three of us head to the shops
where my daughters proceeded to buy their own choice of Christmas trees and
decorations. I had told them that this year they get to make their own
Christmas trees up, being able to choose everything. The results were surprisingly
good their choice of colours all matched and were actually quite tasteful. The
trees they decorated look fantastic! My house is starting to feel very Christmassy
indeed and we are all getting in the festive mood.
Gaming wise saw some real
progression in DIRT3 and I’m pleased to say I’m getting offers left right and
center from racing Teams to join their squads. I am having some problems
though. The Gymkana stages are a huge amount of fun, but I have to say I’m
distinctly average at it. I just can’t seem to get the hang of it. Yes, I can
do the donuts and spins and drifts, but not with the precision required and it
does take me a few precious seconds to get a donut or spin started in the
correct zones. When you’re doing a time trial run those seconds are incredibly
important. The highest medal I have achieved so far in those stages is a
Silver. If you know me and driving games, I’m a bit of a perfectionist and my
inability to grasp the intricacies of this particular part of the game is
driving me round the bend! (excuse the pun). Practice makes perfect. I’ll get
there I’m sure.
Other gaming fun included a load
of EQ2 action with my daughter who’s Fury, Eucalipto is now level 36. We hit
Runnyeye, Kaladim, completed some of ‘The Journey is Half the Fun’ HQ, completed
the Raptor mount quest and after that, did little else except bounce around
Antonica on her new mount which she absolutely adores. The account she is using
is an old one of mine and we hopped in to Legends of Norrath to see what free
LON cards she has got and found out that she had 45 unopened card packs to get
through. It took about 15 minutes to open them all, but she was incredibly happy
when she won one of the new and very rare flaming horse mounts. She also won a
couple of cloaks and a load of paintings. Of course the won paintings started
the conversation on player housing (one of my favourite parts of EQ2) “Dad,
where do I put all these paintings I’ve won?” She is a keen Free Realms player
and is hooked on decorating her house there, spending hours getting things just
right (like I do in EQ2). So she is particularly excited about getting her
hands on a new residence to exert her artistic touch upon. I promised her next
time we play we will get her sorted. She has her eye set on the ‘Vale of
Halfpint Delight’, a Halfling hole on a small island. It’s Prestige Housing, so
will cost me some SC, but it’ll be worth it to see my girl smile.
Sunday night saw me attempt to
get online for another Call of Cthulhu gaming session but my youngest daughter
decided to be an absolutely nightmare at bedtime and I ended up missing most of
the session that turned out to be one big fight it seems. All exciting stuff
and I’m a bit peeved I missed 90% of it. It sounded like it had been a great
Movies wise, I watched Paranormal
Activity 1, which I turned off half way through. It wasn’t too bad but I get
the impression it needs to be watched in the dark without interruption to let
the suspense build (it’s a very slow starter), but my youngest has a cough at
the moment and every time she had a coughing fit in bed I had to pause to go
check she was OK. It kind of killed the moment and suspense.
I also watched Skyline, an Alien
invasion movie. It was OK. I liked the special effects and the way the story
was dealt with, but the acting was particularly wooden, which surprised me.
Donald Faison (Turk from Scrubs) was in it and he’s great in that. But I guess
comedic acting is different from serious acting and he really wasn’t that good
in it. The biggest problem I had with it was the ending. A nice unexpected
twist, but I really would have liked it to have developed that story dogleg a
bit more, the flick kinda just, ended..it was weird. I think it could have done
with an extra 30 mins or so to develop that line of the plot.
I also spent some time catching
up with Homeland, TBBT, Modern Family, New Girl and the US Office.
But, it’s Monday now. Work again.
Be well.
I'm looking forwards to when I can play MMOs with my kids. Will be a while until they are old enough for TSW though!