Thursday, December 9, 2010

Plummeting Stats

Wow. I hadn't checked my stats for a while. I seem to have dropped to almost no readers for the last few weeks. With busy Christmas times a coming I'll be keeping an eye on it, but I reckon if things don't improve in the New Year I may be closing the blog. Maybe some marketing is required!

I know I don't do this for masses upon masses of readers, but no readers means I may as well keep a diary in my bedside drawer. Let's see what happens through Christmas and into the New Year. We'll have to see!

Be well.


  1. HEY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm reading it like clockwork & If you dis-continue it I'll.............. I don't exactly what I'll do know but It'll be BAD!!!

  2. LoL, thanks for the support guys. I REALLY do appreciate it ;)

  3. It should read, "I don't know exactly what I'll do...."

  4. To be honest. I enjoy writing the blog. I enjoy writing full stop. I guess I do know what I'll do, and that's carry on. It's just a shame my genius is not shared amongst the masses, LMAO! A legend in my own mind *wink*...delusion is a wonderful thing! It helps separate me from reality..

  5. I agree, "All those comedians out there starving & you're doing this for free" :P
