Raiding went well Monday night. We powered through Toxx no problems whatsoever, a ten minute job, then headed to The Palace of Rohan Theer. Palace was fun too, again no issues what so ever and very smooth sailing until we hit Three Sages. Sadly our group setups were fine, but our Monk really struggled to gain agro on his mob and it kept running off to join in the fun with one of the other Sages, causing repeated wipes. The Monk was pretty disconsolate about the whole thing, not happy at all with no understanding of what was happening or why he couldn’t keep aggro. I must admit it had me baffled. You should see his equipment. Very fine kit indeed, SF tier 3 Fabled raid gear. A strange issue. Maybe SoE have added to the script that Brawler taunts don’t work on him or something, although I doubt it without notification.
Looking at the raid roster last night got me to thinking. I mean, wow, we have a fair few Dirges for our raids. Overall we now have five including Adurj. Because of this I have requested that I be allowed to change my main raid toon to Voltaan my Bruiser. We have a Monk who raids with us, but no Bruiser. There is one member who has a Bruiser alt like me and sometimes plays him, but other than that just a monk at the moment.
I dunno if they will allow me to change my main raider with the raid force and I have already stated that I have no problem doing whatever is best for the raid. But in my biased opinion a bruiser can be quite a nice addition on a raid. I’m actually aware of discussions in forums about Bruiser snap taunt tools not working so well on raids, if at all when in x4. Such as Divide & Conquer, Drag being resisted a lot by anything bigger than x2 mobs. In groups I have no problem. I guess if I am allowed to play Voltaan we’ll have to see how well they work. I know the devs are looking at Brawlers and hope the come up with a few lovely extras, like a bit more mitigation, the ability to not just tank, but to do some good dps at the same time, not one or the other. Whatever changes they make, I guess we’ll just live with them. It won’t change how much I like to play my Bruiser I don’t think. Let’s see if he’s allowed to raid, and if so, how well he does. I’ll report back on that.
Last night I had a load of fun. Initially Jahf and I hooked up in a group so we could chat on voice. After about an hour of sitting around chatting about the game, anything and everything at Moonfield in Stonebrunt, Jahf and I ventured in to the wilds so I could try out my newly tinkered Cow Flinger and Turkey Launcher. Those items are hardly any use at all as dumbfire pets, but wow, what a huge amount of fun. I have decided my Cow Launcher is coming with me on Thursdays raid. It’ll be fun to see heffers flying through the air during the serious fighting.
At some point Jahf offered to help if I needed any updates etc, so I checked my journal and we decided to head to Moors as I needed an old update in OoA for The Shadow Odyssey chapters (yes I know I’m slack and these should have been done an age ago). Anyhow, we headed in to OoA, just Jahf (Dirge) and Voltaan (Bruiser) and to be honest it was plain sailing all the way through. The only time we had to stop and work out some tactics was during the jumpy fight but in the end we both jumped and I engaged the mob but used a lot of AoEs to help with taking out the floaty skulls. Worked like a dream. It was nice having the plat chest for just us two also. Long story short I got my update and we agreed that I would get Voltaan up to speed to Chapter 5 where Jahf has some updates himself and then we can go duo the rest. I’m pretty sure we won’t be able to duo Palace of Ferhzul though, but we can always drag Emarald along for that if need be. A fine night spent indeed.
Be well.
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